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बहु bahu (in Hindīcomp. sometimes contr. to bah), adj. Much, many; large, great:—bahubār, adv. Many times; often, repeatedly:—bahubāhū, adj. & s.m. Many-armed; the manyarmed, an epithet of Rāvaṇ:—bahu-baćan, s.m. (In Gram.), The plural number;—bahu-baćan-ānt, adj. (In Gram.), Ending with a sign of the plural number:—bahu-barsī, adj. (In Bot.), Perennial:—bahu-bhāgya, adj. Very fortunate:—bahu-bhāṅti, adv. In a variety of ways:—bahu-bhujā, adj. & s.m. Many-sided, multilateral;—a polygon:—bahu-patra, s.m. Talc; anything having many leaves or layers:—bahu-patrī, s.f. The drug Trigonella fœnum Grœcum:—bahu-putra, adj. & s.m. (f. -ā), Having many children;—the tree Echites scholaris:—bahu-putrī, s.f. The plant Asparagus racemosus:—bahu-paṭu, s.m. (bahu-paṭvī, f.), A very clever person:—bahu-pravāh, adj. Flowing in many streams:—bahu-phal, adj. & s.m. Very fruitful, fertile;—the kadamb tree, Nauclea cadamba:—bahu-pahlū, adj. Having many sides=bahu-bhujā;—bahu-pahlūsikhar, s.m. A multilateral pyramid:—bahu-phalī, s.f. The opposite-leaved fig-tree:—bahu-twakka, s.m. A species of birch-tree (syn. bhoj):—bahu-dr̤ishṭa, bahu-darśak, bahu-darśī, adj. Seeing much; paying attention to many things; much-seeing; far-seeing; taking a broad aud comprehensive view; circumspect, cautious, fore-casting, prudent, experienced:—bahu-dugdhikā, s.f. Any plant (as the various species of Euphorbia) yielding a caustic milky juice:—bahu-dosh, adj. Having many faults, full of faults or defects; very bad, very wicked:—bahu-dhan, adj. Having much wealth, very rich:—bahu-rangī, adj. & s.m. Many-hued, variegated, checkered; variable in colour; various; changeable, fickle, inconstant, unsteady, wavering;—a changeable, fickle, or inconstant person; one who assumes various characters and disguises (=bahurūpiyā):—bahu-rūp, bah-rūp, adj. & s.m. (f. -ā), Many-formed, variously-shaped, multiform; many-hued, variegated, checkered; of varied aspect, diverse, manifold;—the chameleon; anything of varied aspect, etc.;—mimicry; disguise; the resin of Shorea robusta; the sun; hair; an epithet of Brahma, of Vishnu, of Śiva, of the god of love, of a Rudra, of a Buddh:—bahu-rūpā, s.f. One of the seven tongues of fire:—bahu-rūpī, adj. & s.m.=bahu-rūp, and bahu-rūpiyā, qq.v.:—bahu-rūpiyā, bah-rūpyā, adj. & s.m. (f. bahu-rūpin), Of various shapes or forms; false, insincere;—a person who assumes various characters and disguises, actor, mimic; one of the class of Indians who practise mimicry; dissembler, pretender, hypocrite; impostor, cheat:—bahu-rūpya, s.m. Mimicry: bahu-rekhā, s.m. Many lines, wrinkles, furrows, marks of care or pain or trouble:—bahu-sutā, s.f. The plant Asparagus racemosus:—bahu-sū, s.f. A woman who has given birth to many children:—bahu-śākh, adj. Having many branches or ramifications:—bahu-śatru, adj. Having many enemies:—bahu-kāl, s.m. A long while, a length of time:—bahu-kālīn, adj. Of long standing, old, antiquated, ancient:—bahukanṭak, s.m. The marshy date-tree; the prickly plant Hedysarum alhagi; name of several kinds of prickly plants:—bahu-khūṅṭ, s.m. A polygon:—bahu-guṇ, adj. Many-threaded, composed of many threads; manifold, many times over, multifarious, much; having many good qualities or virtues, variously excellent:—bahu-gandh, s.m. The resin of Boswellia thurifera, olibanum; cinnamon:—bahu-gandhā, s.f. The flower of Michelia champaka; the plant Jasminum auriculatum; the Arabiaṅjasmine; the plant Nigella indica; name of several other odoriferous plants:—bahu-mān, s.m. Great respect, reverence:—bahu-mitra, adj. Having many friends:—bahu-mūrtti, adj. Many-formed, multiform, variously-shaped:—bahu-mūl, adj. & s.m. Many-rooted;—the grass or reed Hyperanthera moringa:—bahu-mol, bahumūlya, adj. & s.m. High-priced, costly, dear, expensive; precious;—a great price, large sum of money:—bahu-mūlā, s.f. The plant Asparagus racemosus:—bahu-mūlī, s.f. The plant Emblica officinalis:—bahu-mūlyatā, s.f. Costliness, valuableness; expensiveness; preciousness:—bahu-vādī, adj. & s.m. Loquacious;—a great talker:—bahu-vār, s.m. The fruit Cordia myxa, or C. latifolia:—bahuvaćan, s.m.=bahu-baćan, q.v.:=bahu-vidh, bahu-vidhi, adj. Of several descriptions, of many sorts or kinds, various, manifold:—bahuvrīhi, s.m. lit. 'Possessing much rice'; (in Gram.)

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