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िभन्न bhinna, bhinn (rt. िभद्), part. adj. & s.m. Broken, split, divided, disunited; scattered, separated; separate, apart, distinct, diverse; distinguished; other, different; opened, unfolded, expanded, blown;—(in Arith.), a fraction (syn. kasr):—bhinnābhinn (bhinna+abhinna), adj. Separate and not separate, distinct and not distinct:—bhinnabhāg-har, s.m. (in Arith.), Division of fractions:—bhinn-bhinn, adj. & adv. Various, diverse, separate, different;—separately, severally, one by one:—bhinna-saṅkalit, s.m. (in Arith.), Addition of fractions:—bhinna-guṇān, s.m. (in Arith.), Multiplication of fractions:—bhinn-gotra, s.m. One not belonging to the same family or tribe, one of a different lineage:—bhinna-ghan, s.m.(in Arith.), Cube of a fraction:—bhinna-vat, adj. Disjoined, divided, scattered:—bhinna-varg, s.m. (in Arith.) Square of a fraction:—bhinna-varṇ, adj. & s.m. Of different colour; of a different tribe or caste;—a man of a different caste:—bhinnodar (bhinna+udara), s.m. Brother not by the same mother, half-brother:—bhinnodarī, s.f. Halfsister:—bhinna-vyavakalit, s.m. (in Arith.) Subtraction of fractions.