िबठाना biṭhānā(causat. of baiṭhnā, q.v.), v.t. To cause to enter;to enter, place (in, -meṅ, as a boy in a school); to pierce, penetrate, thrust in, drive home, press down, ram down, pack closely, stuff, fix firmly;—to cause to be seated, cause to sit, to seat; to settle; to set (as a stone in a ring, etc.), to plant, sow; to cause to congeal, coagulate, solidify; to cause to cake, form into lumps; to locate, station, lodge; to instal; to establish, fix, set up; to cause to settle down; to lay (as dust, etc.), to allay, calm, assuage; to set (over, -par, as a watch, guard, etc.); to fix or impress (on, -meṅ, the mind), to implant (in the mind), impress (the mind with an idea), strike (terror, etc. into the mind); to set in order, settle, arrange, adjust; to make out (a calculation, etc.), strike (a balance); to establish, get up, cause to be convened (a panćāyat, etc.); to come into possession of, gain, realize, gather, collect; to make (the heart) sink or faint (dil biṭhānā):—biṭhā-denā, v.t. (intensive ofbiṭhānā, but often used in the sense of biṭhānā), To cause to fall in, cause to sink or founder; to demolish, destroy, raze, level, ruin; to melt, dissolve; to settle, knock down, stun, etc. (with, -meṅ, a blow); to stake, bet (upon, -par); to gamble away, lose:—biṭhā-rakhnā, v.t. To keep seated; to detain; to keep (a marriageable or married daughter) at home; to refuse to give in marriage;—biṭhā-lenā, v.t. To make (one) sit=biṭhānā(generally in an intensive sense).
Origin: Hindi