बट्टा baṭṭā[S. वृ ƣ, or वतर् +कः], s.m. Exchange, discount; difference of exchange; deduction, deficiency, loss; defect, blemish, flaw; fault, offence, injury; derogation, detraction; stain, stigma;—a cylinder of wood or stone with which condiments, drugs, etc. are frayed or pulverized (on a slab called sil, q.v.), a muller;—jewel-box, casket; betel-box (syn. ḍibiyā); a juggler's cup or box; a round looking-glass or mirror:—baṭṭā ānā(-meṅ), Loss (of reputation, etc.) to accrue, stain to fall (upon); to be stained, sullied, etc. (=baṭṭālagnā):—baṭṭādenā, v.t. To pay discount or exchange; to suffer a loss; to make up a loss or deficiency:—baṭṭā-ḍhāl, adj. & s.m. Level, even;—levelling; ruins, complete destruction:—baṭṭā-saṭṭā, s.m.=saṭṭā-baṭṭā, q.v.:—baṭṭālagānā(-ko, -meṅ), To charge discount; to cast a stain or slur (upon, -meṅ), derogate or detract (from); to defame, calumniate, vilify, stigmatize;—baṭṭālagnā(-ko, -meṅ), To be liable or subject to discount; to suffer the casting of a stain or slur (on); to lose (one's) good name or reputation; to be sullied, tarnished, etc.:—baṭṭe-bāz, s.m. Juggler; trickster, humbug, cheat, swindler;—baṭṭe-bāzī, s.f. Juggling, jugglery, sleight of hand; trickery, cheating, swindling:—baṭṭe-par, adv. At a discount or advantage; at a reduction (e.g. baṭṭe-par ḵẖarīdnā):—baṭṭe-dār, adj. Liable to discount; injured, defaced, cracked (coin, etc.):—baṭṭe-khāte, s.m. Loss and gain, profit and loss; bad debts; irrecoverable balance;—baṭṭe-khāte likhnā(-ko), To put down to profit and loss, enter as a doubtful debt:—baṭṭālenā(-meṅ), To take or charge discount (=baṭṭālagānā).
Origin: Hindi