bū(=abū), s.m. Father; possessor, etc. (used in comp.;—before words defined by the Arabic article al, it is shortened in pronunciation to bu; e.g.);—bu`l-`ajab, adj. Wonderful, marvellous:—bu`l-fuẓūl, adj. Given to excess, or to exaggeration; loquacious; prodigal:—bu`l-hawas, adj. & s.m. Desirous; whimsical, capricious, fickle;—a wavering, or fickle person; blockhead:—bu`l-hawasī, s.f. Freak, whim, caprice:—bū-turāb, s.m. Father dusty, a nickname given by Mohammad to his son-in-law `Alī:—bū-tīmār, s.m. lit. 'Father of wailing'; the heron; the bittern:—bū-jahl, adj. Ignorant, foolish:—bū-qalamūn, adj. & s.m. Of various hues, variegated, varied, various; changeable; wonderful;—anything of various hues; a chameleon.
Origin: Arabic