िबन bin [S. िवना; H. also binā], prep., postp., & prefix, Without, exclusive of, wanting, except (it may often be conveniently rendered by the Eng. neg. prefixes un-, in, or by the affix -less):—bin ā`īmarnā, v.n. To die a premature, or a sudden, death (see ā`ī):—binboyā, adj. Unsown, uncultivated, wild, spontaneous (=an-boyā; ḵẖud-rau):—bin-jāne, adv. Without knowing, unwittingly, unconsciously:—bin-jutā, adj. Unploughed:—bin-dāṅt-wālā, adj. & s.m. Toothless;—a toothless person:—bin-dāne-pānī, adj. Without meat and drink, without eating and drinking:—bin-dhan, adj. Without wealth, indigent, poor:—bin-dhyān, adv. Without meditation, without reflection, unthinkingly, inconsiderately:—bin-dekhā, adj. & adv. Unobserved, unseen:—bin-swārth, adv. Uselessly, fruitlessly, to no purpose:—bin māre tauba karnā, v.n. To fear without a cause; to cry out before being hurt:—bin-mare shahīd honā, bin teg̠shahīd hona, v.n. To be slain without a wound (said of lovers).
Origin: Hindi