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banḍ[Pehl. band, Zend banda, S. बन्धbandha], s.m. Binding, fastening, tie, knot, band, bandage, bond, ligature, belt, roll, string; joint, knuckle; stoppage, discontinuance; hindrance, prevention, obstacle; fetters, imprisonment, arrest, captivity, confinement; a mound, dyke, dam, embankment; gripe, hold, grasp, twist, trick (in wrestling); manœuvre, dodge, artifice; art, skill, dexterity; agreement, promise, pledge, contract; regulation; list, inventory; verse, stanza, burden (of a song);—(as an affix) binding; binder, fastener, putter on (e.g. na`l-band, one who puts on horse-shoes, a farrier):—band bāṅdhnā, v.n. To construct a dam, dyke, embankment, etc.:—band-baṭā`ī, s.f. Account of each share of assessment in grain:—band-bardāsht, s.f. Account of the share of an instalment to be paid by each villager:—band-band, s.m. Every joint; every part, every inch:—band-band pakaṛnā(-kā), To seize all the joints (rheumatism):—band band judākarnāor kar-denā(-kā), To sever all the joints, open all the knobs or fastenings, separate inch by inch:—band-behrī, s.f. Statement of the amount of each money instalmentof a village:—band baiṭhnā, v.n. lit. 'The joints to fit in'; to succeed in an affair:—band-phāṅtā, s.m. Account of the shares of the liabilities of a village:—band-tāl, s.m. Damming up a watercourse for the purpose of irrigation:—band-i-jama`, s.m. The act of allotting to each cultivator an equal portion of good and bad lands:—band-ḥisāb, s.m. Abstract account:—band-ḵẖāna, s.m. Prison:—band-isel, s.m. Contract of sale:—bandi-muddat, s.m. Stated period for the settlement of an account:—band-meṅanā, band-meṅpaṛnā, v.n. To fall into the toils; to become a captive:—band-navīs, s.m. Clerk, accountant:—band-obast, s.m. lit. 'Binding and fastening'; plan, organization, management, administration; arrangement, disposition, method, order, system; settlement (of revenue), regulation;—band-o-bast-i-ākhir, s.m. Recent or last settlement;—band-o-bast-i istimrārī, s.m. Permanent settlement; settlement in perpetuity;—band-o-bast-i ćand-roza, s.m. Temporary settlement;—band-o-bast-i-jadīd, band-o-bast-i ḥāl, s.m. New settlement; new regulation or practice:—band-o-bast-i-dawāmī, s.m. Permanent settlement (=band-o-bast-i istimrārī);—band-o-bast-i-sar-sarī, s.m.=bando-bast-i ćand-roza;—band-o-bast-i sābiq, s.m. Former settlement:—band-o-bast karnā(-kā), To manage, regulate, settle, make an arrangement, arrange (for), organize (=intiz̤ām karnā, q.v.):—band-o-bast-kīpaimā`ish, s.f. Revenue survey:—band-o-bast-i-mulk, s.m. Sum total of the revenue of a province or kingdom:—band-o-bast-i mī`ād, s.m.=band-obast-ćand-roza, q.v.:—band-o-bastī, s.f. Arrangement, organization; economy.
Origin: Persian
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