बिल bali, बल bal [S. बिल, विल], s.m. Coil, twist, turn, convolution, crook, curl, wrinkle, skin shrivelled by old age; the fold of skin in stout persons upon the upper part of the belly or between the ensiform cartilage and the navel; crookedness, obliquity; a bracelet (=S. valaya);—oblation, offering, sacrifice, victim; the offering of a portion of the daily meal of ghī, grain, and rice, etc. to all creatures of every description (i.e. to gods, semi-divine beings, men, animals, and even inanimate objects);—name of a celebrated Daitya (also called Mahā-balī), king of Mahā-balipura, whose pride was mortified by Vishnu in the Bāman or dwarf incarnation:—bal-bakrā(S. bali+varkara), s.m. lit. 'Goat for sacrifice'; one who dies in battle, or otherwise, without doing anything:—bal-jānā, bal-bal jānā, v.n. To be sacrificed; to sacrifice oneself (for), devote oneself (for, or to; syn. ṣadqe, or qurbān, or wārījānā):—bal-dār, adj. Twisted, coiled, bent, curved, having a turn, fold, or bend; (in Bot.) convolute:—bali-dān, s.m. Presentation of an offering to a deity, offering a sacrifice, sacrificing a victim;—bali-dān karnā(-ko). To offer a sacrifice, etc.:—bal denā(-ko), To give a twist (to), to twist, turn, bend, coil; to present as an offering, to sacrifice:—bal karnā, v.n. To turn and twist (oneself), to wriggle, to strut, swell, assume an arrogant or insulting air;—v.t. To sacrifice, etc. (=bal denā):—bal khānā, v.n. To be twisted, turned, wound, bent, etc.:—bal-lānā, v.n. To wriggle, etc.=bal karnā, q.v.:—bali-mukh, s.m. lit. 'Wrinkled-faced'; a monkey:—bal nikalnā, v.n. To have folds or twists taken out or removed, to become straight or smooth; to have the pride or conceit taken out (of one), to be humbled:—bali-hār, bal-hār, s.m.=bali-hārī, s.f. Offering, etc.=bali, q.v. (syn. qurbān: ṣadqe):—bali-hārījānā, v.n.=bal jānā, q.v.
Origin: Hindi