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بسم ﷲ

bi`smi`llāh (bi+ismi+allāh), In the name of God (a formula generally pronounced by Mohammadans at the beginning of all actions and works); the festivities observed (among Musalmāns) on a child's first commencing to learn;—intj. God be with you! God speed you! very good! very well! all right!:—bismi`llāhi`r-raḥmāni`r-raḥīm, In the name of God the Merciful, the Compassionate:—bismi`l-lāh karnā, v.n. To pronounce the formula 'in the name of God,' at the beginning of a work, etc.; (hence) to begin, commence; to fall to (eating), set to work; to slaughter (an animal):—bismi`l-lāh-ke gumbaẕ-meṅbaiṭhnāorrahnā, v.n. To abide under the dome of security, live in peace and safety; to retire from the world, lead a life of seclusion:—bismi`l-lāh hū`ā, 'A beginning has been made at his lessons' (said of a child who has just commenced learning to read).
Origin: Arabic
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