बर bar [S. वर, rt. वृ ], s.m. Choosing, selecting; choice, election, wish, request, boon, favour, blessing, good; anything chosen as a present; gift, reward, recompense; one who chooses, chooser; one who solicits a girl in marriage, suitor, wooer, lover; bridegroom, sonin-law; husband, lord, master;—breadth (of cloth);—adj. Best, excellent, precious:—barbarnā(S. vara+varṇa+ka), adj. Of the best colour, of an excellent colour; white, fair:—barjog (S. vara+yogya), adj. Marriageable (a girl):—bar-dān, s.m. Granting a boon; benefaction; wedding-gift to a bride from her betrothed; answer to a prayer addressed to God or a saint:—bar-dā`ī, bar dāyak, adj. & s.m. Granting or vouchsafing a blessing;—giver of a choice; granter of a boon, vouchsafer of a blessing:—bar-daihī, s.f. Compensation for pasture ground:—bar-ghosh, s.m. An excellent cowherd.
Origin: Hindi