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bad, adj. Bad, evil, wicked, vicious, corrupt, mischievous; inauspicious, unlucky:—bad aḵẖtar, adj. Ill-starred, unfortunate:—badaḵẖlāq, adj. Of bad habits or manners; immoral; ill-bred, ill-behaved; rude, unpolished, coarse;—bad-aḵẖlāqī, s.f. Ill-breeding, bad behaviour; rudeness, incivility; indecorum, bad conduct, immorality:—bad-uslūb, adj. Ill-shaped, ill-made, inelegant; ill-behaved, of bad conduct:—bad-aṣl, bad-uṣūl, adj. Of low origin, base-born; ill-bred;—bad-uṣūlī, s.f. Low origin; ill-breeding:—bad-at̤wār, adj. Illmannered; of evil ways, following evil courses:—bad-ě`tiqād, Mistrustful:—bada`mālī, s.f. Misdeeds, immorality:—bad-af`āl, adj. Of bad deeds, ill-conducted;—bad-af`ālī, s.f. Misdeeds, etc.=bad-a`mālī, q.v.:—badintiz̤āmī, s.f. Bad management, misgovernment, mal-administration, misrule, anarchy:—badandesh, adj. Evil-minded, malevolent, malicious, inimical, disloyal;—bad-andeshī, s.f. Malevolence, malignity, malice, ill-will, disloyalty:—bad-ā`īn, adj. Of bad manners or ways; not observing religious precepts, irreligious; perverse:—bad-bāćā, s.m. A false or fraudulent bāćor division:—bad-bāt̤in, adj. Internally evil, evil-minded, false-hearted;—bad-bāt̤inī, s.f. Evil-mindedness, malignity, malice, ill-nature:—bad-baḵẖt, adj. Unfortunate, unlucky, wretched, miserable; doomed, accursed; bad, evil, vicious;—badbaḵẖtī, s.f. Misfortune, bad luck, adversity, misery, wretchedness; badness, vice:—bad-bar, adj. Evil-minded, evil-disposed:—bad-bū, adj. Fetid;—s.f. Bad or offensive smell, fetor, stench, stink:—bad-parhez, adj. Not controlling the inclinations and passions, intemperate;—bad-parhezī, s.f. Intemperance, excess:—badpashmī, s.f. Badness of hair or wool, bad coat (of a horse, etc.):—bad-ćālī, s.f. Bad conduct, misconduct, etc. (=bad-ćalnī, q.v.):—bad-ćashm, adj. Casting evil eyes on, coveting other men's goods (particularly their wives); envious, malignant:—bad-ćalan, adj. Ill-conducted, etc. (=bad-at̤wār, q.v.);—bad-ćalnī, s.f. Misconduct, bad conduct, misdeeds, malpractices, misdemeanour:—bad-ḥāl, adj. In bad circumstances, in evil plight, illconditioned;—bad-ḥālī, s.f. Badness of condition or circumstances:—bad-ḥawāṣ, adj. Senseless; stupefied, insensible; in consternation; confounded, bewildered, distracted, demented, foolish;—bad-ḥawāṣī, s.f. Stupefaction, insensibility; senselessness, stupidity; consternation, distraction, dementedness, folly:—bad-ḵẖaṣlat, adj. Of bad conduct, or habits, or disposition; ill-disposed; ill-natured:—bad-ḵẖat̤, s.m. Bad or illegible writing, a bad hand, scrawl;—one who writes a bad hand:—bad-ḵẖulq, adj. & s.m. Having a bad disposition, etc. (=bad-aḵẖlāq, q.v.);—one who has a bad disposition, ill-bred person, illbehaved person, etc.;—bad-ḵẖulqī, s.f.=badaḵẖlāqī, q.v.:—bad-ḵẖo, adj. & s.m.=bad-ḵẖaṣlat, q.v.:—bad-ḵẖẉāh, adj. & s.m. Wishing evil, malevolent, malignant, ill-disposed, inimical;—ill-wisher, enemy;—bad-ḵẖẉāhī, s.f. Ill-will, dislike, disaffection, malevolence, enmity:—bad-ḵẖo`ī, s.f. Unmannerliness, badness of disposition, ill-nature:—bad-du`ā, s.f. Curse, imprecation, malediction;—bad-du`ādenā, v.t. To curse:—bad-dil, adj. Suspicious; evil-minded:—bad-damāg̠, adj. Dissatisfied, discontented, displeasedwith everything;—baddamāg̠ī, s.f. Ill-will, displeasure; discontent:—bad-diyānat, adj. Dishonest,fraudulent; false;—bad-diyānatī, s.f. Dishonesty, fraud; unfair dealing; corrupt practice;—bad-diyānatī-se, adv. Dishonestly, fraudulently, with intent to defraud, mala fide:—bad-ḍaul, adj. Ill-shaped, ill-formed, ungraceful, clumsy:—bad-ẕāt, adj. & s.m. Low-born, low, base; of bad disposition, ill-bred; unprincipled, vicious, corrupt;—vile creature, villain, miscreant, wretch;—bad-ẕātī, s.f. Baseness, vileness; unprincipled conduct, wickedness, viciousness, villainy:—bad-ẕihn, adj. Slow of apprehension, dull, stupid:—badrāh, adj. Taking a bad or wrong course; disorderly, wicked, sinful:—bad-rikāb, adj. Illpaced; difficult to mount; vicious (a horse):—bad-rag, adj. Of a bad vein; of a bad or base nature; malevolent:—bad-rang, adj. Of a bad colour; discoloured, dull, faded; of a different colour (a card); of a bad kind:—bad-rau, adj. Ill-paced (a horse):—bad-rawaiyā, adj. Illconducted, etc.=bad-at̤wār and bad-ćalan, q.q.v.:—bad-zabān, adj. & s.m. Indecent of speech, foul-mouthed, abusive;—one who uses indecent language, or who is foul-mouthed;—bad-zabānī, s.f. Indecent, foul, or obscene language; abuse:—bad-zeb, adj. Ungraceful, inelegant:—bad-sā`at, s.f. Unlucky moment:—bad-saj, adj. Ungraceful, ill-looking:—badsirisht, adj. Ill-disposed, ill-natured:—badsar`anjām, adj. Coming to a bad end;—badsar`anjāmī, s.f. Bad or evil end; badness of end or conclusion:—bad-sigāl, adj. Evil-minded, malevolent, malignant:—bad-sulūkī, s.f. Bad behaviour, misbehaviour, ill-treatment, discourtesy;—bad-sulūkīkarnā(-se), To behave badly (to), act ill (towards); to treat ill:—badsīrat, adj. Of bad disposition, ill-tempered, illdisposed:—bad-shakl, adj. Ill-shaped; illlooking:—bad-shugun, bad-shugūn, badshugūnī, adj. & s.f. Ill-omened, unlucky;—bad omen:—bad-ṣūrat, adj. Ill-looking, ill-shaped, ill-formed; ugly, unsightly, inelegant;—bad-ṣūrat karnā, v.t. To disfigure, deface, deform, make ugly;—bad-ṣūratī, s.f. Ugliness; disflgurement:—bad-t̤arīq, s.m. Bad habit (in a religious sense):—bad-t̤īnat, adj. Evil-minded, indisposed, malevolent, iniquitous;—bad-t̤īnatī, s.f. Evil-mindedness, malevolence; iniquity:—bad-z̤an, adj. Suspicious, mistrustful, etc. (=bad-gumān, q.v.):—bad-`amalī, s.f. Misgovernment, mismanagement, misrule, anarchy (=bad-intiẓāmī):—bad-`ahd, adj. Faithless, treacherous, false;—bad-`ahdī, s.f. Faithlessness, breach of promise or trust:—badf rjām, adj. Of evil end or issue, terminating ill or badly; malignant:—bad-fě`āl, s.m. Evil deeds, mis-deeds:—bad-fě`l, adj. & s.m.=badkār, q.v.:—bad-fě`lī, s.f.=bad-kārī, q.v.:—badkār, adj. & s.m. (fem. bad-kāra), Wicked, sinful, dissolute, licentious, profligate;—evil-doer; adulterer, fornicator:—bad-kārī, s.f. Wickedness, misdeed; profligacy, licentiousness; adultery, fornication; unnatural offence:—bad-kirdār, adj.=bad-kār, q.v.:—badkirdārī, s.f.=bad-kārī, q.v.:—bad-gumān, adj. Suspicious, mistrustful, disaffected, disloyal;—bad-gumān karnā(-se), To make one suspicious (of); to make one think evil (of); to make one disaffected or disloyal;—bad-gumān honā(se), To be suspicious (of), be mistrustful (of); to be disaffected;—bad-gumānī, s.f. Suspicion, mistrust, distrust; disaffection:—bad-go, adj. & s.m. Evil-speaking, slanderous;—evil-speaker, slanderer, calumniator;—bad-go`ī, s.f. Evilspeaking; slander, detraction:—bad-gǒhar, adj. Of bad origin, bad by nature; unprincipled:—bad-liḥāz, adj. Unmannerly, disrespectful, rude, impudent; immodest, indecent, shameless:—bad-lagām, adj. Not obedient to the reins, hardmouthed (a horse); wilful; disrespectful, rude; uncontrollable:—bad-mizāj, adj. Illtempered;—bad-mizājī, s.f. Ill-temper:—badmaza, adj. Having a bad taste, distasteful, illflavoured, unsavoury; tasteless, insipid;—sick, sorry, out of sorts; angry, displeased;—badmazagī, s.f. Tastelessness; distastefulness;—misunderstanding, disagreement; estrangement, coolness (between friends):—bad-mast, adj. Inebriated, intoxicated, drunk; lustful, lewd, lascivious;—bad-mastī, s.f. Intoxication, drunkenness, inebriety; lust, lewdness, lasciviousness:—bad-ma`āsh, adj. & s.m. Of a bad profession or way of life; immoral;—a person of unsettled character, or of bad livelihood; bad character; lewd fellow, blackguard, rascal, vagabond;—bad-ma`āshī, s.f. Bad way of living, loose conduct, dissoluteness, profligacy; villainy, rascality:—bad-mu`āmala, adj. Unfair in dealing, roguish, tricky, dishonest;—bad-mu`āmlagī, s.f. Unfairness in dealing, roguery, trickery, fraud:—bad-mihr, adj. Unfriendly, unkindly;—bad-mihrī, s.f. Unfriendliness, unkindness, disobligingness:—bad-nām, adj. Of bad repute, disreputable, infamous, ignominious; defamed, calumniated;—bad-nām karnā, v.t. To render (one) infamous, destroy (one's) good name, injure (one's) reputation; to defame, villify, traduce, asperse, calumniate;—bad-nām honāor ho-jānā, To get a bad name, become infamous; to be defamed, traduced, etc.;—bad-nāmī, s.f. Bad name or character, disrepute, infamy, dishonour; defamation, ill-report, stigma;—badnāmīuṭhānā, v.n. To endure infamy, etc.:—bad-nasl, adj. Of a bad race or breed;—s.m. Bastard:—bad-naṣīb, adj. Unfortunate, etc. (=bad-baḵẖt, q.v.):—bad-naz̤ar, adj. Of evil aspect; ill-looking;—bad-naz̤arī, s.f. Badness or wickedness of look:—bad-na`l, adj. Tripping (horse):—bad-numā, bad-namūd, adj. Illlooking, ungraceful, inelegant,' unsightly, unbecoming, ugly:—bad-numā`ī, s.f. Unsightliness, ungracefulness, inelegance, ugliness:—bad-nihād, adj. Ill-disposed, of bad intention;—bad-nihādī, s.f. Badness of disposition, ill-nature:—bad-nīyat, adj. Illdisposed, of bad intention, malevolent; covetous, avaricious; lustful, sensual:—badwaẓ`a, adj. Ill-formed, ugly; ill-bred; evildisposed;—bad-waz`a`ī, s.f. Ugliness, illshapedness; bad disposition; misconduct; illmanneredness, rudeness:—bad-haẓm, adj. Having a bad digestion;—bad-haẓmī, s.f. Indigestion:—bad-hai`at, adj. Ill-formed, ugly (=bad-shakl and bad-ṣūrat):—bad-yumn, adj. Of bad omen, unpropitious;—bad-yumnī, s.f. Bad omen; bad luck; unpropitiousness.
Origin: Persian

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