िबƭा bidyā, vulg. biddiyā[S. िवƭा, rt. िवद्], s.f. Learning, science; knowledge; intellect; skill, art; a magical pill or bolus (which placed in the mouth is supposed to give the power of ascending to heaven); magical knowledge or skill;—name of a small insect (called also Saraswatī):—bidyā-dhar, s.m. A particular kind of good or evil genius attending upon the gods;—a learned man; one skilled in magical knowledge:—abode of learning, school, college (=bidyālay):—bidyārthī(vidyā+arthī), s.m. Seeker after knowledge, student, scholar, pupil (syn. t̤ālib-`ilm):—bidyālay, s.m. Abode of learning, school, college.
Origin: Hindi