बुिƨ buddhi, and H. बुƨ buddh, बुिधbudhi, बुध budh, s.f. Perception, observation, intelligence, understanding, sense, intellect, mind, wisdom, judgment, discernment; comprehension, knowledge; thought, opinion, notion, reflection:—budh-biparīt, adj. Contrary to reason, unreasonable:—buddhi-bal, s.m. Strength of intellect; mental power:—buddhibhr̤it, adj. Wise, intelligent:—buddhi-bhrashta, adj. & s.m. Of a deteriorated intellect; bereft of reason;—deterioration or destruction of intellect:—buddhi-bhram, s.m. Aberration of the mind or intellect:—buddhi-rāsi, s.m. Name of Ganeś, as the god of wisdom:—buddhi-rūp, buddhi-rūpī, adj. & s.m. Of the manner or nature of intelligence;—the form or embodiment of intelligence:—buddhi-sāgar, s.m. Ocean of intelligence (an epithet and a proper name):—buddhi-śakti, s.f. Intellectual faculty:—budh-meṅanā, v.n. To enter or be impressed on the mind; to be intelligible or comprehensible:—buddhi-hīn, adj. Devoid of intellect; senseless, ignorant, silly, simple, foolish:—buddhi-hīnatā, s.f. Ignorance, senselessness, silliness, foolishness:—buddhīndriya (buddhi+indriya), s.m. Organ of the intellect (as distinguished from an organ of action. Six are enumerated, viz. mind, eye, ear, nose, tongue, skin).