बान bān[S. वणर् ः; Prk. वण्मो], s.f. Quality, property, temper, disposition, nature, character, conduct, manners, habit, custom (cf. ān-bān, s.v. ān);—s.m. The marriage rite which prescribes a certain number of baths (generally from three to eleven) for the bride and bridegroom:—bān baiṭhnā, v.n. To take the baths prescribed by the marriage rite (mentioned above):—bān paṛnā, v.n. To fall into, or to acquire or form, a habit, etc.; to be trained; to be accustomed (to):—bān ḍālnā, v.n. To lay the foundation of character, etc., cultivate a habit, etc.; to educate, train; to habituate, accustom, inure; to naturalize:—bān sīkhnā, v.n.=bān paṛnā.
Origin: Hindi