इच्छा iććhā, s.f. Wish, desire; will; pleasure; inclination, appetite; aim; ambition:—iććhābhojan, s.m. Desired or longed-for food; choice food; food agreeable and abundant to the utmost desire:—iććhā-ćārī, s.m. (f. -inī), One who acts according to his own will:—iććhārakhnā(-kī), To have a desire (for), to wish (for), desire, crave; to solicit; to aim (at), purpose; to be ambitious (of):—iććhākarnā(-kī) = iććhārakhnā:—iććhālagnā(-kī), To feel a longing or craving (for), to long (for), crave:—iććhāmārnā(apnī), To subdue desire, appetite, etc.; to practise self-denial:—iććhāhonā(-kī, with dat. of agent), To wish (for), etc.