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ऊपर ūpar [S. उपिर], adv. & postpn. (governing gen. -ke), Up, on high, aloft, atop, above, over, on, upon, after, against, in addition (to, ke):—ūpar-ānā, To come up, to rise; to come or fall upon; to befall:—ūpar-ūpar, adv. Over, by; without effect, harmlessly; not thoroughly, superficially, cursorily, hastily (=ūpar-hī-ūpar):—ūpar-ūpar-se, adv. Skimming the surface; superficially; with a light hand, gently:—ūpar-ūpar-kā, adj. Superior, excellent, best:—ūpar-tale, adv. Upon, upon or after another, in succession:—ūpar-tale-ke baćće, s.m. Two children in succession:—ūpar-se, adv. From above, over, outside, externally, superficially; in addition, besides, to boot:—ūpar-kā, adj. (f. -ī), Outer, external, superficial, etc. (=ūparī, q.v.); higher, upper; superior, best; preceding, foregoing:—ūpar-kādam bharnā, To make a show of affection, to feign regard; to breathe one's last:—ūpar-kākām, s.m. Miscellaneous duties, odd jobs or services:—ūpar-kī āmad, s.f. Emoluments, perquisites, presents (and such-like illegal sources of income):—ūpar-ko, adv. Upwards:—ūpar lenā(apnī), To take upon (oneself), to undertake, engage, become responsible for:—ūpar-wālā, s.m. The Being above, The Supreme Being; the sky above; canopy of clouds; the moon above;—ūpar-wāle, s.m. pl. Superiors, betters; those in high position; the lodgers or dwellers in the upper story (of a house); those who have gone before, predecessors, forefathers; upper servants; personal attendants; ministers, stewards; outsiders, strangers:—ūpar-wāliyāṅ, s.f. pl. (In the language of women), the spirits above, fairies, evil spirits; the fowls of the air, kites and crows:—ūpar-hī-ūpar, adv. On the surface; superficially, externally (=ūpar-ūpar); apart, alone; secretly, quietly, stealthily.
Origin: Hindi