ulū(pl. of ذو ẕū: acc. ulī), adj. Possessors, owners; possessed of, endowed with, possessing, having: (N.B. The first وin ulūis short, being merely scriptio plma; and hence the word is often written ولا ulū;—it occurs, in Urdū, only in comp. e.g.):—ulu`l-albāb, Persons of understanding:—ulu`l-amr, Possessor, of command or authority:—ulu`l-`azm, Enterprising, ambitious; daring, determined, resolute; the enterprising, the ambitious; ulu`l-azmī, s.f. Determination, resoluteness; ambition:—uli`l-abṣār, Possessed of discernment, discerning, wise, discreet; the discerning, etc.:—uli`l-ajniḥa, Possessed of wings; winged animals:—uli`l-`azm= ulu`l-`azm, q.v.:—uli`l-`ilm, Possessed of science, learned; the learned.
Origin: Arabic