अंचला aṅćlā(=S. anćala+kah) = S انچل अञ्चल anćal, = H آنچل आं चल āṅćal, s.m. The border or hem of a cloak, veil, shawl, or mantle; a kind of sheet or wrapper; the breasts or bosom (of a woman), teats (of an animal):—āṅćalpallu, s.m. The embroidered hem of a woman's sheet or mantle:—āṅćal (or āṅćar) dabānāor dābnā, To take, or to suck, the breast (a child):—āṅćal (or āṅćar) denā(-ko), To give the breast (to an infant):—āṅćal ḍālnā(par), To throw the sheet (over the head): āṅćal lenā(-kā), To touch the border or hem of a guest's garment as a sign of welcome; to wipe the hands with the sheet of the bride's or bridegroom's mother (a ceremony in marriages):—āṅćal-meṅbāṅdhnā, To tie a knot in the mantle or sheet (by way of reminder); to bear in mind, keep in memory.
Origin: Hindi