अंधा andhā[S. अन्ध+कः], adj. (f. -ī), Blind, stone-blind; benighted; undiscerning; dark, obscure, dim;—s.m. A blind man:—andhābanānā, v.t. To blind, etc.=andhā-karnā, q.v.; to make one appear blind, impute blindness to:—andhābannā, v.n.=andhāhonā, q.v.:—andhābhaiṅsā, s.m. lit. 'Blind buffalo': a boys' game (a boy mounts on the back of another who is blindfolded and leans against a wall while several other boys pass under him, and he is required to name the first of these):—andhātārā, s.m. The planet Neptune:—andhādarbār, s.m. A corrupt court, government, or office; misgovernment (see andhīsarkār):—andhā-dhund, adj. Blinding; blind; indiscriminate; excessive, violent, outrageous; rash, precipitate, wild;—s.m. Blindness; rashness, wildness; violence, excess, outrage, commotion, disturbance, pother; misgovernment, anarchy;—adv. Blindly; indiscriminately; wildly, rashly; excessively, violently, outrageously;—andhā-dhund uṭhānā, To raise a commotion, make a stir or pother; to do violence or outrage; to raise an outcry; to waste, dissipate, squander;—andhā-dhund ronā, v.n. To weep violently or bitterly:—andhā-dhundkā, adj. Excessive, fearful, tremendous, outrageous:—andhā-dhund-kīduhā`ī, s.f. A fearful cry; a cry for help or redress;—anāhā-dhund lutānā, To squander outrageously, spend most extravagantly:—andhīsarkār, s.f. A blind government, a bad or corrupt government; maladministration, gross misgovernment; a bad paymaster, one who keeps his subordinates in arrears:—andhākarnā, v.t. To blind, put out the eyes of; to blindfold; to hoodwink; to deceive:—andhākū`ā, andhā-kūp, s.m. A well of which the mouth is hidden, or which is overgrown with plants, etc., or which is choked with rubbish:—andhā-ḵẖarć, s.m. Indiscriminate expenditure, extravagance, prodigality:—andhāhonā, To be or become blind; to lose one's sight, be blinded (by); to be blind (to), to shut (one's) eyes (to), to connive or wink (at).
Origin: Hindi