अन्त ant, s.m. End, limit, term, boundary, border; period, utmost extent, whole amount; completion, conclusion, termination; issue, result, consequence; end of life, death, dissolution, destruction; end in view, aim, intention, purpose; definite ascertainment, certain knowledge, certainty; knowledge or intelligence (of), account (of), news; inner part, inside, life, soul, mind, heart; nature, essence; condition; proximity;—adj. Last, final, ultimate;—adv. (S. ante), In the end, at last, finally, after all (=ant-ko and ant-meṅ):—antbhāg, s.m. The last or latter part, the end; the New Testament (in contradistinction to ādibhāg or the Old Testament):—ant-samay = antkāl, q.v.:—ant-kārī, adj. Final, conclusive, decisive:—ant-kāl, s.m. The hour of death, dying moment, the end:—ant-ko, adv. At last, finally, in the end, ultimately:—ant-laghu, s.m. (in Prosody), A metre that has a short or light final syllable:—ant-guru, s.m. (in Prosody), Any measure having a long or heavy final syllable:—ant lenāor le-lenā(-kā), To worry the life out (of), to harass, plague, persecute:—ant-meṅ, adv.=ant-ko and ant, q.q.v.:—ant haṛnā(-kā) = ant lenā, q.v.