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ism (rt. سمو ), s.m. Name, appellation; (in Gram.) a noun:—ism-i-istifhām, Interrogative pronoun:—ism-i-ishāra, Demonstrative pronoun:—ism-i-`āz̤am, Lit. 'The great name'; the name of the Almighty; one of the ninetynine names or attributes of God, the utterance of which is an irresistible spell over evil spirits:—ism-bā-musammā, A name fitly denoting the qualities of the named:—ism-itankīr, Indefinite pronoun:—ism-i-jāmid, An aplastic noun, a primitive noun:—ism-i-jalālī, The glorious name of God:—ism-i-jamālī, A name importing something good or beautiful:—ism-i-jins, Generic noun or name:—ism-i-ḥālīya, The present participle; the noun indicating the state or condition of the subject:—ism-i-ẕāt = ism-i-jāmid, q.v.:—ism-i-ṣifat, An adjective:—ism-i-ẓamīr, Personal pronoun (=ẓamīr):—ism-i-`adad, Numeral adjective:—ism-i-fā`il, The subject or agent (in Gram.):—ism-i-farẓī, Assumed name, fictitious name:—ism-i-kullī, Common noun:—ism-ima`rifa, Definite or proper noun (=ma`rifa):—ism-i-maf`ūl. The perfect passive participle:—ism-mauṣūl, Relative pronoun:—ism-navīsī, s.f. List, roll or register of names, muster-roll; the act of enrolling; registry-office:—ism-navīsī-igawāhāṅ, s.f. List of witnesses; petition to summon witnesses:—ism-wār, adj. & adv. Entry (in statements) according to the order of individual names.
Origin: Arabic

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