irāda[for A. ارادة , inf. n. iv of راد for رود 'to seek, seek after'], s.m. Desire, inclination, will; intention, purpose, resolve, determination; aim, object, end, end in view; plan, design; meaning, purport:—irāda karnā(-kā), To desire, intend, purpose, design; to aim (at,—as a goal or destination), to make (for); to be on the point (of); to form a design (against), make an attempt (on); to contemplate, meditate; to propose, devise, plan:—irāde (-ke), postpos. With the design or intention (of), with the view of, etc.:—irāde-se, adv. With the view (of), with a view (to), with the intention (of), for the purpose (of), in order (to), to the end (that); intentionally, purposely, deliberately, willingly.
Origin: Persian