अजीरन ajīran [S. अ+जीणर् , rt. जृ ]. adj. Not decomposed; unimpaired; undigested;—indigestible; unwholesome, injurious, pernicious; disagreeable, distasteful, sickening, nauseating, wearying, wearisome, tedious, sick or weary (of); persistent, unremitting; inveterate, chronic (as a disease); excessive (so as to produce nausea, disgust, etc.); hardy, strong;—s.m. Surfeit, indigestion; flatulence; nausea, etc.:—ajīran honā, To be sickening, nauseating, wearying, etc.; to be surfeited; to be glutted (lit. & fig.); to be produced in abundance, to abound.
Origin: Hindi