उजला ujlā(f. -ī), = H ل اج उज्जल ujjal, [S. उद्+ज्वल], adj. Bright, luminous, shining, radiant, splendid; enlightened; beautiful, lovely, excellent; pure, clean, clear; white; plain, unadorned (=sāda); simple, guileless; blown, expanded:—ujlā ādmī, s.m. A plain or simple man; a man dressed in clean, white clothes; a respectable man:—ujjal buddh, clear intellect, luminous or enlightened man:—ujlābhangrā[S. bhr̤inga), The plant Verbesina prostrata:—ujle pān-kījaṛ, Galangal, root of Alpinia galanga:—ujlītulsī, White basil, Ocimum album:—ujlā-jāmūn, The white jāmūn, Calyptranthes caryophyllifolia:—ujlā ćandan, Santalum album:—ujlādhatūrā, Datura metel:—ujlīt̤ab`īyat-kā, adj. Of radiant or luminous mind, clear-minded; of enlightened mind:—ujlī-kāāzār, Fluor albus, the whites:—ujlīkāćkūrī, The variety of cowhage or cowitch (Dolichos pruriens) with a white stem:—ujlākaddū, The long white pumpion or pumpkin, Lagenaria vulgaris:—ujlākaner, Nerium odorum (album):—ujlīmirć, ujlīmirćī, White pepper, Piper album:—ujlāmuṅh karnā, v.t. To clear one's honour or reputation; to exculpate; to acquit:—ujlāmuṅh honā, v.n. To have one's honour reëstablished; to be exculpated; be acquitted:—ujlāhulūl, The viscid cleome (Cleome viscosa), the seeds of which, called ćhorīajwān, are regarded by the native practitioners as anthelmintic and carminative:—ujlāhonā, To be light; to be bright, be polished, to shine; to be or become clean; to be dressed in clean clothes.
Origin: Hindi