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उƣर uttara, uttar [compar. from उद्], adj. (f. -ā), & s.m. Farther; posterior; last; lofty; upper; surpassing, superior; more powerful; excellent; best; left (not right); answering; succeeding, subsequent; future; northerly:—answer, defence; superiority; power; arrival; the north; consequence; (in arith.) difference.—uttarādhikār (i.e. ˚ra+adhi˚), s.m. Inheritance, succession:—uttarādhikārī, adj. & s.m. (f. -inī), Inheriting, succeeding;—heir, successor.—uttarārdh (˚ra+ardha), s.m. Latter half (of a book, etc.), last part; upper part (of the body); northern part; further end.—uttarāshāṛha, s.f. The twenty-first Nakshatra or lunar mansion, figured by an elephant's tooth or a bed, and containing two stars, one of which is βSagittarius.—uttarāyana (˚ra+ay˚), s.m. The sun's progress to the north of the equator, northing; the summer-solstice.—uttara-bhādrapad, s.m. The twenty-sixth lunar mansion, figured by a couch, and comprehending two stars, one of which is Andromedæ.—uttarpaśćim (or—paććhim, or paććham), adj. & s.m. north-west; the north-west:—uttar paććhim havā, s.f. north-west wind; trade-wind.—uttaraphalgunī(or phālgunī), s.f. The twelfth lunar mansion, figured by a bed, and containing two stars.—uttar-dāyī(or-dā`ī), adj. & s.m. (f. -inī), answering;—one who gives a reply.—uttardiśā, s.f. Northerly direction; the north.—uttarkārī, adj. & s.m. (f. -inī), making answer;—one who replies.—uttar-kāṇḍ, s.m. The title of the seventh and last section of the Rāmāyan.—uttara-khaṇḍ, s.m. The concluding book of the Padma-Purāṇa, and of the Śiva-Purāṇa;—adj. Of Northern India.—uttara-lakshaṇa, s.m. The characteristics of a reply or defence (which are, 1˚That it be applicable to the whole charge: 2˚That it be maintainable by law: 3˚That it be not equivocal or evasive: 4˚That it be consistent with itself: 5˚That it be perspicuously expressed).—uttarottar (˚ra+ut˚), adv. More and more; higher and higher; further and further;—s.m. Reply to an answer, rejoinder.—uttaravartī, adj. (f. -inī), Existing in the north; northern.

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