utārnā, [S. उƣारणं], v.t. To cause to pass over, to convey over or across, transport over, ferry across, land; to cause to descend or alight; help to dismount; to bring down, take down, take off, remove, put away (from, -se); to tear off, strip off, cut or break off (a portion of anything); to lower, depress, abase, render vile, unclean or impure; to cast down, dethrone; to cast out, expel (an evil spirit); to draw down and confine (an evil spirit, in, -meṅ); to remove, or free from (fever, intoxication, etc.); to quit oneself of (a debt, obligation, oath, vow, etc.); to make a recompense or return; to unload, discharge (cargo, etc.); to disembark; to lodge, put up (a traveller); to throw aside, cast off (shame, etc.); to draw off (liquor); to make a channel (for water to flow down or off); to let down, lay (in a grave); to loosen the strings of, unstring (a guitar, etc.); to uncock (a gun); to vent (rage or spleen, on, -par); to extract (colour); to dispense, distribute, allot (sustenance); to send down (a prophet, or a gift, from heaven):—utār jānā, v.t. To swallow or gulp down:—utār denā, v.t. To deprive of honour, disgrace, degrade, dethrone; to lower in the regard (of, -se); to put to shame, cause to blush; to put out (of caste); to put out, dislocate (a limb or bone:—In most instances, however, utār denāis identical with, or slightly intensifies, the verb utārnā):—utār ḍālnā, v.t. To take off; take down, pull down; to take out, remove, rub out (colour, etc.;—cf. utārnā, of which utār ḍālnāis an intensive form):—utār lenā, v.t. (Intensive of utārnā, q.v. for other senses), to take down, enter, insert, record (in, -meṅ):—utāre hu`e, and utāre ho, part. adj. & adv. Dismounted; alighting, on foot; engaged with desperate resolution in any enterprise; determined, desperate (a metaphor taken from cavalry dismounting to fight on foot with a determination to conquer or die).
Origin: Hindi