आंग āṅg, = S انگ अङ्ग anga, ang, s.m. Body, limb, member; part, portion, share; a division or subdivision (of a science, etc.);—āṅg, s.m. Demand per head for pasturing cattle, an agistment:—ang-biddyā(anga-vidyā), s.f. The science which treats ofthe structure of the body, anatomy (=`ilm-ě-tashrīḥ); knowledge of the lucky and unlucky marks of the body:—ang-bal, s.m. Power of body:—any bhang karnā(-kā), To cut off a limb; to mutilate:—ang bhang honā(-kā), To have a limb cut off; to be mutilated; to be crippled; to be stiff in the joints:—ang (or āṅg) pakaṛnā, To gain flesh, become plump or fat:—anga-ja, angaj, s.m. lit. 'Produced from the body'; a son;—anga-jā, angjā`ī, s.f. A daughter:—ang-ćhedan, s.m. Cutting off a limb; mutilation:—ang-rāg, s.m. Application of scented unguents or cosmetics to the body (especially after bathing):—ang-ḍhang, s.m.=ḍhang, q.v.:—ang-rakhā, s.m.=angarkhā, q.v.:—ang-sěhrī, s.f. Shivering of the body; ague:—ang (or āṅg) godnā(-kā), To puncture the body and introduce colouring matter (generally indigo), to tattoo:—ang (or āṅg) lagānāor lagā-denā(-meṅ), To place (a thing) close to the body, to place the body close (to a thing); to embrace, clasp; to put on, to wear (clothes); to carry or take away (with one); to unite or join (-to, -ke, as in marriage):—ang (or āṅg) lagnā, v.n. To be brought or placed in contact with the body; to be embraced; to be assimilated (food); to be nourished, grow stout; to tell (upon):—ang- (or āṅg-) maṛī, s.f.=āṅgmoṛī, q.v.:—ang (or āṅg) moṛnā, To turn or twist the body, to stretch (oneself); to turn away (from, -se), shrink (from); to avoid, shun; to bend or bow (in humility), to be humble and unassuming;—āṅg-moṛī, s.f. Stretching; yawning:—ang-nyās, s.m. A religious ceremony which consists in touching certain parts of the body according to the rules prescribed in the Śāstras:—ang-wārā, s.m. The proprietor of a small portion of a village; mutual aid in tillage.
Origin: Hindi