आं क āṅk, = H انك अंक ank, [S. अङ्क], s.m. lit. 'Hook, curve, bend'; numerical figure, cypher, number (syn. `adad); a letter of the alphabet; mark, spot, line, stroke (syn. raqam), private mark (showing the selling price of an article), mark or stamp, or figures on coins; (in Arith.) the product of the principal into the rate and time; curve of the body. flank or part above the hip, embrace; share, portion:—ank-biddyā(anka-vidyā), s.f. The science of numbers, arithmetic (syn. `ilm-ě-ḥisāb):—āṅk-bandī, s.f. Adjustment of rents:—āṅk-dār, s.m. Sharer, partner:—anka-kār, s.m. Assayer.
Origin: Hindi