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आकास ākās, vulg. अक्कास akkās, and अकास akās[S. आकाश], s.m. Space, vacuity; air, atmosphere; ether, the fifth element of the Hindūs (the subtle and ethereal fluid supposed to fill and pervade the universe, and to be the peculiar vehicle of life and of sound); sky, firmament, the heavens:—ākās-agan-gola, s.m. Meteor, shooting-star:—ākāsbānī(S. ākāśa-vānī), s.f. A voice from heaven; revelation; oracle; divine call or injunction (syn. az-g̠aibī āwāz):—ākās-birt (S.ākāśavr̤itti), s.f. Uncertain orprecarious source of subsistence; hand-to-mouth existence;—one who lives from hand to mouth, etc. (=the next, q.v.):—ākās-birtī, adj. & s.m. Having no fixed source of subsistence;—one whose subsistence is fortuitous, one who lives from hand to mouth:—ākās-bastu, ākās ćīẕ, s.f. Heavenly bodies (syn. ajrām):—ākās-bel (S. ākāśa-vallī), s.f. Air-creeper, a parasite, Cuscuta reflexa, or Cassyta filiformis (also called ākāspavan):—akkās-phal, s.m. (Met.), Children, offspring:—ākās-ćoṭī, s.f. The zenith:—ākās-āhurī, s.f. The axis of the celestial sphere:—ākās-dhurī-ke sire, s.f. The poles of the axis of the celestial sphere:—ākās-dīvā, ākāsdīyā(S. ākāśa-dīpa), s.m. A lamp lighted in honour of Lakshmīor Vishṇu, and elevated on a pole in the month of Kātik; a lantern on a pole; a beacon:—ākāś-gangā, s.f. The milky way (syn. kahkashāṅ):—ākās-golā, s.m. The ethereal sphere; the celestial orb or globe:—ākās-mukhī, s.m. A devotee of the Śaiva sect (whose devotion consists in holding his face up to the sun, so that, after some time, it is difficult for him to hold it in the natural position):—ākās-maṇḍal, s.m. The celestial sphere; the atmosphere:—ākās-nīm, s.m. A plant that grows on the nīm-tree (a kind of epidendron), Bignonia suberosa:—ākās-varṇ, adj. Cerulean, azure.
Origin: Hindi
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