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आसन āsan, s.m. Sitting; sitting in peculiar postures according to the custom of Jogīs in their devotional exercises (of which eighty-four are enumerated); mode of sitting, posture, attitude, position; seat, place, stool; a small carpet or deer-skin on which Hindūs sit during prayer; the withers of an elephant, the part where the driver sits; driver's seat; rider's seat (on a horse); the inside or under part of the thigh; a market-stall;—maintaining a post against an enemy:—āsan-tale ānā, To come under the thighs, to be ridden or mounted (a horse), to come under subjection; to be embraced in carnal intercourse:—āsan jamāna, v.n. To have a good grip with the thighs (on a horse), to sit firmly, stick (on):—āsan joṛnā, āsan joṛke baiṭhnā, āsan-se āsan joṛnā, v.n. To sit on the hams; to squat on the ground like aJogī; to sit in close contact (with, lit.'thigh to thigh'):—āsan ḍigānā(-ke), To shake the firm-sitting or position (of), to shake the virtue (of); to allure, tempt, seduce:—āsan ḍolnā, To move or interpose in behalf of (said of a holy man who perceives by supernatural intelligence that some one in distress has invoked his aid):—āsan lagānā(-ke), To sit down, settle, take up (one's) abode, abide; tarry; to sit obstinately in one place and position till one's demands are satisfied:—āsan mārnā(-par), āsan mār-ke baiṭhnā(-par), To sit on the haunches (like a Jogī), to squat; to sit in one posture without change; to have a firm seat (on a horse).