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āsmān, vulg. asmān[Pehl. aśman, Zend. aśman; S. aśman, rt. aś], s.m. Sky, firmament; heaven, the celestial orb; the vault or canopy of heaven:—āsmān-par thūknā, Lit. 'To spit at the sky'; to act improperly or foolishly; to kick against the pricks:—āsmānpar ćaṛhānā, v.t. To exalt to the skies; to speak highly of, to praise extravagantly; to flatter, wheedle, coax:—āsmān-pe damāg̠honā, To exalt oneself to the skies, to be very conceited, vain or proud; to affect greatness, give oneself airs:—āsmān-par khaiṅćnā= āsmān-pe qadam rakhnā= asmān-meṅpair lagānā= āsmān-pe damāg̠honā, q.v.:—āsmān phaṭ-paṛnā=āsmān ṭūṭnā, q.v.:—āsmān taknā, āsmān jhāṅknā, v.n. Lit. 'To turn the eye to the sky' (as a game cock, in the pride of his strength is supposed to do); to feel the pride of strength; to wax strong and bold; to be in good form (for fighting, etc.):—āsmān ṭūṭnāor ṭūṭ-paṛnā, v.n. Lit. 'the sky to fall upon'; to be overtaken by misfortune, to be overwhelmed with trouble:—āsmān-jāh, adj. Of exalted dignity, very exalted, of great eminence or dignity:—āsmān-se bāteṅkarnā, āsmān-se ṭakkar khānā, To reach to the sky; to vie with the sky (in height); to be very high; to exceed in height or appearance:—āsmān-se girnā, To drop from the sky, fall from the clouds; to be obtained unexpectedly; to be gained without labour or exertion; to be undervalued; to be regarded as worthless or contemptible:—āsmān-qadr, adj. Vast as the firmament, grand as the firmament:—āsmānkhoṅćā, s.m. Anything very lofty or high or tall (as a pole, man, etc.); a hukka, the stem of which reaches from the lower to the upper floor of a house:—āsmān-ke tāre toṛnā, Lit. 'To break the stars of the sky'; to be very skilful or expert in a business or trade:—āsmān-gīr (or -gīrī), s.f. Lit. 'Catching or intercepting the sky'; projecting roof; canopy, awning; arbour, bower:—āsmān-meṅ ṭheglīlagānā, Lit. 'To pierce the sky'; to be very skilful or expert at a business or trade (=āsmān-ke tāre toṛnā).
Origin: Persian