आधा ādhā,[S. अधर् +क], adj. (f. -ī), Half;—s.m. A half-measure; a half-chain, halfyard, etc.:—ādhā-ādhā, adv. Half and half, etc.=ādho-ādh, q.v.:—adhā-sīsī(S. ardha+ śirsā), s.f. Pain affecting half the head, hemicrania (=adh-kapālī):—ādhāhonā, To be or become half; to be reduced to half the former size, etc., to grow thin, become emaciated:—ādhī-rāt, s.f. Midnight:—adv. At midnight: ādhe-ādhe,—ādhe-ādh, adv.=the next, q.v.:—ādho-(orādhoṅ-)ādh, adv. Half and half; half on one side and half on the other; equally divided; in two (equal parts); bisected:—ādhoṅ-ādh karnā, v.t. To cut in two, to halve, bisect; to divide or share equally.
Origin: Hindi