आज्ञा ājṅā(āggyā), s.f. Command, order (=ḥukm), injunction, precept; permission, leave:—ājṅā-bhanjak, s.m. (f. -ikā),=ājṅā-bhangī, q.v.:—ājṅā-bhang, s.m. Law-breaking, disobedience, refractoriness, insubordination:—ājṅā-bhangī, adj. & s.m. (f. -inī), Law-breaking, refractory, disobedient;—a law-breaker, etc.:—ājṅā-pāl (f. -ī), and ājṅā-pālak, adj. & s.m. (f. -ikā), Law-regarding, obedient;—an obedient person:—ājṅā-pālan, s.m. Regard of orders, obedience:—ājṅā-pattra, s.m. Written order or authority; edict, warrant, commission:—ājṅādhīn (i.e. ˚nā+ādh˚), adj. & s.m. (f. -ā), Amenable to command or authority, tractable, docile, dutiful; dependent; subservient; a tractable person, etc.:—ājṅādenā(-kī), To give the order (for):—ājṅā- (or ajṅā-), kār, adj. Executing an order, obeying, obedient; ministrant;—s.m. (f. -ī), A servant:—ājṅā-kārak, adj. & s.m. (f. -ikā), Commanding, ordering;—commander; ruler:—ājṅā-kārī, adj. & s.m. (f. -inī), Carrying out orders, obedient; ministrant; obsequious;—an obedient person:—ājṅākarnā, v.t. To command; to rule; to issue the order (for, -kī); to execute the order (of):—ājṅā-langhan, s.m. Disregarding command or authority; transgression; disobedience:—ājṅā-nuvanta, adj. & s.m. (f. -vatī). Brought under control or subjection, subdued, subjected;—obedient person; subject:—ājṅā-nuvarttī, adj. & sm. (f. -inī), Mindful of or attentive to orders; obedient;—one who obeys orders.