गोला golā[S. गोलकः], s.m. A ball; a cannon-ball;—the ordeal of carrying a red-hot cannon-ball (formerly much used in fixing boundaries);—a bomb (firework);—kernel of a cocoa-nut; cocoa-nut shell;—a curb (of a well);—a pier;—a large round beam (of wood);—(in Arch.) an astragal;—a herd (of cattle);—a large globular jar of earth (for water, or for keeping grain in);—a granary; a storeroom (syn. koṭhā, through which it may possibly be derived);—a kind of pigeon;—a swelling;—colic:—golā-bāṛī, s.f. A storehouse, warehouse:—golā-phirwā, s.m. A round tonsure (on the head):—golā-dār, or gole-dār, s.m. A wholesale grain-merchant:—golā-dhār barasnā, v.n. To rain a pelting rain, to rain in torrents:—golā-ḍanḍā, s.m. The game of tip-cat (=gullī-ḍanḍā, q.v.s.v. gullī):—golā-lāṭhīkarnā(-ko), To tie up the hands and feet (of a person) close to the face, so as to form the body into a ball, and then fasten it to a stick (to carry it); to roll up a person in a similar manner in a sheet:—golāmarnā(-par), To discharge shot or shell (at), to cannonade, bombard.
Origin: Hindi