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पऔना paṛnā[Prk. पडणअं; S. पतनीयं , rt. पत् ], v.n. To fall, drop; to fall down, drop down; to lie, lie down, recline, repose; to lie idle, useless, or unoccupied; to be set or laid aside; to be laid up, be prostrated, be bedridden; to fall to the lot (of, -ko); to be tied (to,—as a wife, servant, etc.); to live or stay (with, or in the house of, -meṅ); to hang or depend (upon, -par, or -pe), to sponge (on); to be encamped, to halt, encamp, camp; to be or become; to happen, arise, take place, occur; to happen to be or become, prove to be; to befal, overtake (as punishment); to be keen (after), to hanker (after); to interfere, intermeddle (in, -meṅ); to be concerned (about), have to do (with); to stand, cost, come to, be valued (at); to be suitable (to, -ko), to suit, agree (with); to be digested. (Following the uninflected infinitive of another verb, paṛnā, like honā, signifies 'have to,' 'must'; e.g. usko jāne paṛā, 'he had to go';—annexed to the base of some neuter verbs it forms intensives, as gir-paṛnā, 'to fall down';—annexed to the base of a transitive verb it has generally the sense of honā, as dekh paṛnā, 'to be seen,' 'to become visible'):—paṛ-jānā, v.n. To lie down, to repose; to be laid across, be spread (over); to lull, cease (as the wind), to abate; to become set, hoarse, or husky (as the voice); to be or become; to happen to be:—paṛ-rahnā, v.n. To remain lying; to be idle; to be prostrated (through sickness or grief); to be helpless, poor, or destitute (=paṛe rahnā, q.v.s.v. paṛā).
Origin: Hindi

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