िवचार vi-ćār, vulg. bićār, s.m. The exercise of judgment orreason; consideration, reflection, meditation, thought, etc. (see bićār):—vićārādhyaksh (˚ra+adh˚), s.m. A chief justice:—vićār-sthān, or vićār-sthal, s.m. A place for discussion or investigation, a court of justice, a tribunal:—vićār-se, adv. With consideration, etc.; considerately, thoughtfully, deliberately, etc.:—vićār-śīl, adj. & s.m. (f. -ā), Disposed to deliberation or reflection, considerate, deliberative, reflective, thoughtful;—a person of a considerate or judicious disposition, etc.:—vićār-kartā, s.m. (f. -trī), One who makes investigation, investigator, discriminator, administrator of justice, a judge:—vićār karnā(-kā), To deliberate, consider, etc. (i.q. vićārnā).